Setting up Trove wtih Devstack
Well first off you need to have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed - Installing Vagrant and Virtual box on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. VMs are helpful when you want to experiment without messing up your system. Once that’s done, create a folder for your project mkdir devstack_trove and cd into that folder.
Run vagrant init in the folder. You’ll get a Vagrantfile, edit it and make the following changes: = “precise32”
… “forwarded_port”, guest: 80, host: 8080
The last line lets you access the dashboard(Horizon) on localhost:8080
Note: Best to setup devstack with 2GB RAM and a reasonably sized swap file.
Now we’re ready to start the VM vagrant up, once it’s up and running you can SSH into it vagrant ssh. You need to be root sudo su before you can execute these commands.
First update the VM and then install git: apt-get update && apt-get install git-core -y
Then cd ~ to the home directory
We’re going to clone trove-integration which will help us setup Trove with Devstack - git clone
Go to the scripts directory cd trove-integration/scripts/
Using redstack we’re going to install Devstack with Trove ./redstack install this starts all the necessary services as well.
You can check if all the services are running by connecting to the screen screen -x stack
If you get an error:
Cannot open your terminal ‘/dev/pts/xx’
Then you can change the access permission for it by chmod 660 /dev/pts/xx
To detach from the screen type in Ctrl+A then D
After it’s been installed “successfully” you can kickstart the setup of Trove ./redstack kick-start mysql, it’s basically test-init and build-image packed into a single command. If everything goes well, you should get something like:
Starting tr-api cd /opt/stack/trove; /usr/local/bin/trove-api —config-file=/etc/trove/trove.conf —debug 2>&1 | tee /home/trove-try/trove-integration/scripts/../report/logs/trove-api.log…Starting tr-tmgr cd /opt/stack/trove; /usr/local/bin/trove-taskmanager —config-file=/etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf —debug 2>&1 | tee /home/trove-try/trove-integration/scripts/../report/logs/trove-taskmanager.log…Starting tr-cond cd /opt/stack/trove; /usr/local/bin/trove-conductor —config-file=/etc/trove/trove-conductor.conf —debug 2>&1 | tee /home/trove-try/trove-integration/scripts/../report/logs/trove-conductor.log…
ERROR: You must provide a username via either —os_username or env[OS_USERNAME]
screen -wipe
RECLONE=yes ./redstack install
./redstack kick-start mysql