Modules & Packages in Python
Modules & Packages
A module is a python source file containing function definitions.
So if I wanted to group a bunch of similar functions together and be able to use it anywhere else I'd create a module. For example, say I want to create a module that has two functions - add2() and add3(). Then I would need to create a new python file and call it and place both functions into it. From the interpretor I can import the module like so
>>>import add
and call the functions
Now a package in python is a group of modules and an initialization file in a folder. + = package
Let's create an arithmetic package, for this we need to create a folder called arithmetic, inside it place the modules you want and file. The file is for the initialization of the package which can be empty for now.
If I want to use the arithmetic package, I can do so by importing it
>>>from arithmetic.addition import add2
You can read up more about modules and packages from over here