Jenkins + Docker + Python

This is going to be a very brief tutorialish article, nothing too fancy or complicated. You're going to need Docker for this, and the installation instructions are over here for Ubuntu

Once you have Docker setup you just need the official Jenkins docker image from over here

docker pull jenkins

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins

You can now access Jenkins at localhost:8080

We need to install the git plugin next, in the dashboard page on the left click Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available and install Git plugin and from the list.

After that let's create a new job from the dashboard. Give it a name and pick Freestyle project.

At the Source Code Management section, type in the repo's url and add your credentials.

2016-02-21-121721_1366x768_scrot In the Build Triggers we check Poll SCM and type in H/5 * * * *, this checks the repo for any changes every 5 minutes.

2016-02-21-123417_1366x768_scrotLastly in the Build section we're going to execute a command to run the tests in the repo so from the drop down pick Build then type in command to run the tests

python -m unittest discover  -v

2016-02-21-123747_1366x768_scrotSave all changes and head back to the dashboard.

Now that's done, try pushing a commit to the remote repo. After a few minutes a second build should have started because of a SCM change. 2016-02-21-130727_1366x768_scrot

If you click Console on the left, you can can see that the tests have run successfully.
