Event driven architecture


  • Based on TCP and pretty common
  • Django has support for it (Channels 2)
  • Won’t have issues with firewalls
  • It is NOT HTTP
  • No scalability - ports are hardcoded and limited


  • Callbacks - code passed as arg to another code.
  • Got a package for it (https://djangopackages.org/grids/g/webhooks/) but not a lot of documentation online
  • Work well for server to server setup
  • Based on HTTP so easy to setup
  • Could be done by REST
  • Resource intensive (think about using a messaging queue)


  • Client waits for a change and reacts to it
  • Based on Http
  • Subscription based
  • Not really RESTful
  • Still consistent pooling (just moved to the other side)
  • Zapier has something for it, not really widely adopted (https://github.com/zapier/django-rest-hooks)


  • Scalable
  • Decoupling is also a huge disadvantage
  • Redis and Celery is a way to go about it


  • Server sends clients data
  • Not bidirectional
  • Won’t have to wait for data to be returned
  • Security is going to be annoying
  • Loss of data
  • Seems to be a couple of packages but seems like a bad idea (https://github.com/niwinz/django-sse) and (https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/articles/OffloadingWebsocketsAndSSE.html)

“…you cannot mix blocking apps with non-blocking engines, even a single, ultra-tiny blocking part can potentially destroy your whole stack. As I have already said dozens of time, if your app is 99.9999999% non-blocking, it is still blocking.” -Roberto De Ioris

Refer https://nordicapis.com/5-protocols-for-event-driven-api-architectures/